NPP will significantly suppress your normal testosterone function, so post cycle therapy is vital after the NPP cycle- whether it is stacked with other compounds.

PCT ensures that steroids provide the body with an external source of this critical hormone and bring your testosterone back on track after suppressing production.

It’s also directly related to your results: Testosterone is essential for maintaining muscle mass and avoiding fat gain.Post cycle therapy can then be considered as necessary as the cycle itself. Any misunderstanding in your PCT can make your entire steroid cycle a waste of time if you don’t maintain what you have achieved.

The starting time of your PCT will depend not only on the NPP itself but also on any other compounds used in the cycle and their half-lives and domineering effects.If you do no PCT, testosterone levels will take a significant amount of time to return to normal levels. In the meantime, there will be an increase in estrogen levels along with severe symptoms of low testosterone.

This makes post cycle therapy important as exogenous testosterone stops during the break of your NPP cycle, leaving the body with little or no hormone production.

Most NPP users will start PCT anywhere from three to six days after the last injection of the cycle.However, it is suggested to start early instead of later to avoid the onset of any symptoms of low testosterone such as fatigue, libido deficiency, depression, weight gain and muscle loss.

The combination of Clomid and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is the most widely used and most effective PCT strategy.Using these medications for 4 weeks will work your testosterone as it should normally. However, the dose will vary depending on your steroid cycle and testosterone suppression levels, and most users will start at a higher amount then reduce it to the other half of the PCT cycle.

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These are the example of PCT cycle to follow after an NPP cycle:

  • First Week: Clomid 50 mg, Nolvadex 40 mg
  • Second Week: Clomid 50 mg, Nolvadex 40 mg
  • Third Week: Clomid 25 mg, Nolvadex 20 mg
  • Fourth Week: Clomid 25 mg, Nolvadex 20 mg

Training should be continued at relatively high intensity through your PCT cycle, whether endurance and strength should not be felt at a similar level when you are on steroids to ensure that the benefits are maintained to the maximum level.

Is there any safe alternative to NPP?

NPP comes with a whole host of nasty risks to your health;more than just unpleasant with something – they can be dangerous. If you’ve been using steroids for decades, you’ve probably learned to tolerate it, but for most people, it’s more of a risk than a cost. By using NPP, you will spend more time minimising side effects than actually enjoying the benefits!

These are the reasons I say stay away from the NPP steroid and take a deep look at safe options, and there is no better alternative for the NPP than an all-natural and all legal DecaDuro.

It covers all the significant benefits that NPP provides you, like:

  • Builds mass
  • Upsurge recovery
  • Increases Lean Muscle
  • Stimulates Strength

Suppose you get all of the above without taking any tensionabout getting gyno, bloating, hair loss and a decrease in your testosterone.DecaDuro is so versatile that you can use it in bulking and cutting periods.

Conclusion To NPP Steroid

Although I am not a medical professional, I do not recommend you refrain from using NPP. It is a steroid with substantial side effects, and just because of that, you should consider it a less harmful but still very effective alternative. Therefore, DecaDuro is the premier natural alternative to NPP in the market today. It’s powerful enough to mimic the effects of NPP – without the dirty side effects. DecaDuro delivers the best of NPP without any of the worst of it. This is a win!

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NPP Post Cycle Therapy

NPP will suppress your normal testosterone function considerably, so post cycle therapy is critical after doing a cycle that includes NPP – whether it is being stacked with any other compounds or not.

PCT ensures you get your testosterone back on track after the steroids have suppressed production by providing the body with an external source of this critical hormone.

This also relates directly to your results: testosterone is vital for maintaining muscle mass and avoid fat gain. Post cycle therapy therefore can be considered as important as the cycle itself, and any missteps in your PCT can make your entire steroid cycle a waste of time if you aren’t going to maintain the gains you’ve made.

The timing of the start of your PCT will not only depend on NPP itself but on any other compounds being used in the cycle and their half lives and suppressive effects. If you don’t do any PCT, testosterone levels will take a significant amount of time to get back to normal levels and during that time, severe symptoms of low testosterone will happen as well as rising estrogen levels.

This makes post cycle therapy critical as the halting of exogenous testosterone during your steroid cycle stops, leaving the body with little or no hormone production.

Most NPP users will start PCT anywhere from three to 12 days after the final injection of the cycle. It is recommended to start earlier rather than later to avoid the onset of any symptoms of low testosterone like fatigue, loss of libido, depression, weight gain and muscle loss.

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A combination of the Clomid and Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) is the most commonly used and most effective PCT strategy. Using these drugs for 4 weeks will get your testosterone working as it normally should. Dosages will differ depending upon your individual steroid cycle and level of testosterone suppression, and most users will start at a higher dose then decrease it for the second half of the PCT cycle.

To ensure gains are maintained to the maximum level, training should continue at a relatively high intensity right through your PCT cycle even if endurance and strength isn’t going to be felt at the same level as when you’re on steroids.